Why Earn an MBA in Engineering Management?

The University of Southern Indiana (USI) offers a fully online Master of Business Administration (MBA) with a concentration in Engineering Management. This degree program includes comprehensive studies in fundamental aspects of business management and leadership. Coursework also dives deeply into the complexities of modern quality management, project management and supply chain management.

This integration of generalized business management and concentrated engineering management studies helps students develop job versatility and specialized expertise. The accelerated, online design of this program is particularly well suited for working engineers looking to simultaneously advance their education and careers.

What Will I Study in USI’s Online MBA in Engineering Management?

Generalized business studies in this degree program cover what professionals need to become effective managers and leaders in today’s globalized business environment.

Core courses focus on information systems, organizational leadership, accounting, marketing, economics and finance from the managerial perspective. Key emphasis is placed on international management and how globalization and changing business conditions impact corporations and inform executive, managerial decision-making and strategy.

Engineering management concentration courses provide students with a thorough understanding managing of projects and supply chain systems.

Project management studies help students develop necessary problem-solving and time management skills while exploring various managerial techniques. Quality management studies center on current practices and methods to foster continuous improvement in operations, emphasizing solution-based analysis and decision-making.

Supply chain management coursework covers the fundamental processes of the globalized field. Students study developments in areas like e-commerce, customer-centric practices and emerging logistics and warehousing models.

What Are the Benefits of Earning an MBA in Engineering Management?

Professionals in fields like technology, manufacturing and industrial management can benefit in numerous ways from these integrated studies. Engineering management and generalized business management expertise are particularly applicable to leadership roles.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, job growth for leadership positions in engineering management is relatively moderate. Yet salaries are substantial, the median annual salary of engineering managers in 2019 was $144,830 per year. In comparison, the median salary of all management occupations in 2019 was $105,660.

This is to say that engineering management jobs are lucrative but quite competitive. The skills and knowledge developed through USI’s MBA in Engineering Management program can provide a distinct edge in pursuing such competitive positions.

Of course, the combination of specialized and generalized management studies can help working engineers excel in their current and future roles. Graduates of USI’s program understand the intersections of engineering management processes and the operations of other departments. With this knowledge, professionals can help optimize interdependent operations to improve quality, productivity and efficiency continuously.

For example, USI graduate Anthony Gregory enjoyed ACCT 601: Accounting for Decision Making and Control. He learned how engineering management can “influence more of a structure” at his company and “realize what the company could be.”

Why Earn This Degree Online?

Gregory’s experience highlights the benefits of going online for an MBA in engineering management. Regarding the online program design, he said, “I enjoyed the flexibility of it the most.” Choosing how many courses he took and when he took them, he fit his studies into his full-time work schedule.

This also allows professionals to apply what they learn directly to their work, deepening learning and improving job performance in real time. Continuing to work and make an income while completing studies online can make earning an MBA more financially feasible for the working professional.

Earning an advanced business degree in engineering management offers flexibility and convenience for the working professional. USI’s program emphasizes subjects like globalization, e-commerce and innovative practices that helps professionals navigate emerging and continuously changing business environments. With a deep understanding of how the field is evolving, professionals can play an important role in engineering management.

Learn more about the University of Southern Indiana’s online MBA with a concentration in Engineering Management.


University of Southern Indiana: Indianan Anthony Gregory Takes Leap, Returns to USI to Earn MBA Online

US Bureau of Labor Statistics: Occupational Outlook Handbook: Architectural and Engineering Managers

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